The advance technological is improving and changing in our world. Many things can be done through internet, such as search information, download, online banking and chat with friend. So, computer becomes part of their life of students, even or workers. Besides, computer became the best place to store information and data. However, it also raises the issue that hacker who create virus or tools to hack into computer in order to get our confidential data. Those hackers normally spread the viruses through e-mail attachment and normally those viruses are being hid by hacker inside the documents.
Another virus can be generally categorized into Trojan horse, virus, worm, spyware and etc. Those viruses can attack our computer through the internet easily. The remote attacker can enter the computer undetected, when the user is online, to access or destroy any information stored. Alternatively, the Trojan can be programmed to automatically send any information on our PCs back to the attacker. This could include,
- Client or customer information or other business data
- Credit card details
- Passwords for access to your online bank, ISP or web services
- Information you would rather remain hidden
- Email addresses, which may be used for spamming
- Children's names, photographs, ages or other personal details held on the computer
- Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack on other computers via the victim's computer
Among those viruses, virus or worm can,
- Disable the computer
- Add, modify or delete files or reformat the hard disk
- Steal addresses held in our computer to send on virus-infected emails to our friends, colleagues, clients or customers
- Send unsolicited bulk email (spam) to those in our mail address books and other users.
Having read through the computer Internet security risks, you'll now know some of the many dangers you're facing as soon as you go online. Our personal information and data remains as secure as possible.